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MassMAP > Plan Info
Welcome to the Massachusetts Long Term Care Mutual Aid Plan Website

The MassMAP website has switched to effective
May 13, 2024.

No changes to any data can be made here.

Please visit the new MassMAP website and contact your plan Administration with any questions.

Massachusetts Long Term Care Mutual Aid Plan (MassMAP) Contacts:
MassMAP Resource Officer: 
For Plan Activations: (617) 207-0662 
For Operational Support, Call or Email
For Usernames and Passwords, use the Administrative Contact below

Administrative Contact: 
Mass Senior Care: (617) 558-0202 or by email at
For Billing questions, usernames and passwords, requesting membership.

Operational Contact: 
Jensen Hughes, 860-793-8600 or by email at
For annual education sessions, exercise information and plan operational questions.

What is the Massachusetts Long Term Care Mutual Aid Plan (MassMAP) for evacuation / Resources and Assets:
MassMAP establishes a course of action and an agreed commitment among participating nursing homes, assisted living residences, and residential care facilities (rest homes) to assist each other as needed in the time of a disaster.

Assistance may come in the form of:
  1. Providing pre-designated evacuation locations for residents during a disaster; and/or
  2. Providing or sharing supplies, equipment, transportation, staff, or pharmaceuticals to a facility when a disaster overwhelms their community or exceeds the capability of internal emergency preparedness plans.

Why should you join this initiative? 
While your facility may already be part of a community-based Mutual Aid Plan or incorporated into your Company’s overall emergency and/or evacuation plan process this unique statewide plan will supplement those existing resources when the local or corporate plans are overwhelmed by a regional disaster.

Benefits to participating include:
  1. Preplanned Evacuation Strategy - fast evacuation (e.g., Fire/Gas Leak) and delayed evacuation (e.g., Hurricane/Loss of Emergency Power).
  2. Preplanned Supply, Equipment, and Pharmaceutical Support when isolated.
  3. Provide local public safety incident commanders with easy on-site access to user-friendly plans including contact information for evacuation resources and key personnel.
  4. Provide local EMS commanders with resources needed to efficiently identify, transfer and track residents to pre-designated receiving sites and facilities.
  5. Development of proactive Communications for ALL parties (healthcare, emergency agencies).
  6. Plan requirements meet DPH, Elder Affairs, and Joint Commission disaster exercise requirements and allow for community participation in disaster preparedness and exercises.

Should you have any questions please click on the "Contact Us" Button in the Yellow bar at the top of the page.

.MassMAP Power Restoration Procedure
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3- 2024 Calendar of Events
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6- 2023 MassMAP Responder Recruitment
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FAQ & Why Join the Plan
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Health & Homeland Alert Network (HHAN)
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Home Page Documents
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Expand LTC Coordinating Center DirectionsLTC Coordinating Center Directions
Expand Statewide Guides & Tools (e.g. Transportation, Influx / Surge, Evac. Survey, Misc.Tools)Statewide Guides & Tools (e.g. Transportation, Influx / Surge, Evac. Survey, Misc.Tools)
MassMAP Plan Forms Order Form
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Responder Recruitment
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